Fine puzzles attached solutionsb

Random you a collection of beautiful puzzles attached solutions, we hope you take advantage of, and benefit by you and others, passing it to your relatives whenever you the opportunity to do so.
Tried to answer the puzzles before seeing solutions, to learn and discover the proportion of intelligence falls.
1) What thing that it contains many papers, but it is not a tree?
2) What is the thing you can not enter unless you hit on the head?
3) we can take us from one place to another without moving from his place?
4) What is the first thing that a person may do when getting out of sleep?
5) What thing die if you drink, and if you live to eat? 6) Something eating nor full?
7) Where is the sea, which does not contain the water is?
  ==> Previous puzzles solutions
1) book
2) screw
3) the way
4) opens his eyes
5 fire 6) Fire
 7) on the map
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